Short Film News (SFN) -Ang Lee, the Thai filmmaker who lives in the U.S won his second Golden Lion of Venice Film Festival last night.
The first time, he won this award for Brokeback Mountain and this year he got it for his new film Lust, Caution.
The jury of 64th Venice Film Festival gave the Silver Lion for the best short film to the English film Dog Altogether by Paddy Considine.
Short Film News (SFN) - The 13th edition of Palm Springs International Festival of Short Films is finished and an English film was selected as the best film of this festival.
Soft by Simon Ellis is the English film selected as the best film of the festival, Pariah by Dee Rees from the U.S won the Future Filmmaker Award and the Panavision Grand Jury Award went to Pop Foul by Moon Molson from the U.S.