Academy Announces Student Oscar Winners

Short Film News (SFN) - Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences named twelve students from eight U.S. colleges and universities as winners of 36th Annual Student Academy Awards.

One student from Sweden also has been selected to receive this year's Honorary Foreign Film award.

The winners will participate in a week of industry-related activities and social events, culminating in the awards ceremony on June 13 at the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater.

The list of winners:

Alice's Attic by Robyn Yannoukos, University of California, Los Angeles
Matter in a Quiescent State, Prepares Itself to Be Transformed by Kwibum Chung, School of Visual Arts, New York

Kites by Jed Henry, Brigham Young University
Pajama Gladiator by Glenn Harmon, Brigham Young University
Sebastian's Voodoo by Joaquin Baldwin, University of California, Los Angeles

The Last Mermaids by Liz Chae, Columbia University
A Place to Land by Lauren DeAngelis, American University, Washington, D.C.
The Wait by Cassandra Lizaire and Kelly Asmuth, Columbia University

Bohemibot by Brendan Bellomo, New York University
The Bronx Balletomane by Jeremy Joffee, City College of New York
Kavi by Gregg Helvey, University of Southern California

Honorary Foreign Film
Elkland by Per Hanefjord, Dramatiska Institutet, Sweden

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