Clermont - Ferrand Short Film Festival announcement

Short Film News (SFN)- Cermont - Ferrand film festival , one of the most important festivals with specialty short films closed on February 3 rd.
Grand Prix of International competition jury went to Den Sista hunden i Rwanda directed by Swedish director Jens Assur.
This 30 minutes film is about a 10 years old boy who fascinated by war. He builds plastic models of military vehicles and plays wargames with his friends. At the age of 24 he is a war photographer.
Tanghi Argentini by Guido Thys from Belgium got Audience prize and Special Jury award went to Deweneti by Dyana Gaye.
Atmena  a Palestinian short film about a young Palestinian girl will do anything it takes to buy a birthday cake took Press prize and Special jury mention as well.
Grand Prix and Audience prize of national competition gave to Le Mozart des Pickpockets (directed by Philippe Pollet-Villard).
And Special jury award went to  Infrarouge By Lionel Mougin.
The story is about Samuel who has been blind from birth; these are some of his sensations and emotions, the impression he gets from things and people.

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