Cannes 2020: the short films competition

Short Film News (SFN)- Introducing, as every year, the Official Selection of short films in Competition at the Festival d Cannes in 2020.

A total of 3,810 films from 137 different countries were watched by the selection committee this year, compared to 4,240 in 2019.

The 2020 selection encompasses 11 short films from 12 different countries, for a total running time of 2h24. Five female directors are also featured in the 2020 Official Selection.

The short films competition, which culminates in the jury awarding the Short Film Palme d’or, will take place next autumn at the Palais des festivals in Cannes. The exact date and the names of the jury members will be revealed very soon.

◊ Sameh ALAA (Egypt) I AM AFRAID TO FORGET YOUR FACE - 15’ - Egypt, France, Belgium, Qatar
◊ Marie JACOTEY & Lola HALIFA-LEGRAND (France) FILLES BLEUES, PEUR BLANCHE (BLUE FEAR) - Animation - 10’ – France
◊ Evi KALOGIROPOULOU (Greece) MOTORWAY65 - 14’ – Greece
◊ Sophie LITTMAN (United Kingdom) SUDDEN LIGHT - 14’ - United Kingdom
◊ Theo MONTOYA (Colombia) SON OF SODOM - Documentary- 15’ - Colombia, Argentina
◊ David PINHEIRO VICENTE (Portugal) O CORDEIRO DE DEUS (THE LAMB OF GOD) - 15’ – Portugal, France
◊ Lkhagvadulam PUREV-OCHIR (Mongolia) SHILUUS (MOUNTAIN CAT) - 13’ – Mongolia, United Kingdom
◊ Paul SHKORDOFF (Canada) BENJAMIN, BENNY, BEN - 7’ - Canada
◊ Leonardo VAN DIJL (Belgium) STEPHANIE - 15’ – Belgium
◊ Zachary WOODS (USA) DAVID - 11’ - USA

The short films selection comitee is composed by de 6 women et 5 men: Alice Kharoubi, Julien Hossein, Camille Hébert Benazet, Colin Maunoury, Melissa Malinbaum, Wim Vanacker, Zoé Klein, Jacques Kermabon, Claire Vassé, Félix Chrétien et Kasia Karwan.
In 2019, the Short Film Palme d’or was awarded to THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US AND THE SKY by Vasilis Kekatos (Greece), by a jury chaired by Claire DENIS and formed of Stacy MARTIN, Panos H. KOUTRAS, Eran and Cătălin MITULESCU.

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