Five Iranian Films in Zoom Zblizenia Festival

Short Film News (SFN)- Five Iranian short films are going to participate in the 16th edition of Zoom Zblizenia Film Festival.

This year, 114 films are accepted for the competition section and Five Iranian short films are among them.

Tigheh by Hassan Alirezaei, Fish Eye by Hadi Jeldi, Traffic by Sohibanoo Zolghadr, Tarazoo by  Ramin Rahbar and Duma by Sajad Imani are Iran representatives in this International Festival.

In addition to the grand prize, the jury is going to dedicate the awards to the best feature, best documentary, best animation, best experimental film, best student film, best independent film, and best amateur film.

The 16th edition of Zoom Zblizenia International Film Festival is going to take place from 19th till 24th February in Jelenia Gora in Poland.

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