Fike 2008 Calls for Entries

Short Film News (SFN) - FIKE 2008 - 7th Evora International Short Film Festival will take place from November 21st- 29th, 2008.

Festival organizers announced that applicant filmmakers must send their submissions till June 30th. Animation, documentary and fiction short films with total running time up to 40 minutes, which produced after January 1st, 2006 are eligible for International Competition.

FIKE 2008 will have a Special Competition, under the theme of Wine & Food. Films up to 40 minutes and produced after January 1st, 2005 will be accepted. Films in the Special Competition may enter the International Competition.

Festival will award Best Fiction, Documentary, Animation, European Short-Film, Super-Short (up to 5 minutes running time), and Audience Award to winners in International Competition.

Also, the Jury from the International Federation of Film Societies will choose the Best short film, to which will be awarded the Don Quijote Award, which guarantees the selection of the film for the International Festival of Film Societies, to take place in Italy on June 2009.

Regulations and entry form are available on Fike website:

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