Shirdel's Films in FIKE Festival

Short Film News (SFN)- A collection of Kamran Shirdel's films screened in the 6th FIKE International Short Film Festival yesterday.

The program of film screening and meeting with Kamran Shirdel in the University of Evora had a great amount of interests among the students and critics.

This meeting took more than three hours due to his knowledge and his accurate explanation about Iran cultural, social and political history and the points he mentioned about the situation before and after the Islamic revolution in Iran and also his proficiency in several languages.

He mentioned that his works were censored by Iran government before the Islamic revolution because they were against the government system and he was fired from Art and Cultural Ministry.

He added: Art and these works are the only things to remain. The reality would never forget and the world's history shows this clearly.

In reply to the question about the reasons of today's Iran cinema success, he said that the base of this cinema was made by the films of Forough Farokhzad, Ibrahim Golestan, Sohrab Shahid Sales, Amir Naderi, etc. And this is the obvious reason for today's Iran cinema success.

He criticized the irregular import of low quality American films to Iran and European country and believed that these films would destroy the cinema.

Shirdel replied to the question about not traveling to the U.S and writing a protesting letter by mentioned about America's interference in social and political affairs of Iranians and added: It is a long time America is interfering in the social and political affairs of Iranians; From the America's coup in 1953 in Iran to the America's helps to Iraq and Saddam Hossein for the attacks to Iran.

Kamran Shirdel's films will be shown in Lisbon Cinema Tech on Wednesday afternoon.

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