152 Iranian Shorts Were Sent to Evora Festival

Short Film News (SFN)-  152 Iranian short films are the applicants to participate in the 6th Evora International Short Film Festival (FIKE 2007) in Portugal.

Joao Paulo Macedo, the festival director, announced they have received 2052 shorts from 72 different countries and Iran is the 4th in number of films.

Macedo announced some master classes and workshops, by presentation of some world well known filmmakers, are going to be held during the festival.

One of these programs is going to be held with partnership with University of Evora Visual Arts Department.

Kamran Shirdel may be one of the instructors of these master classes to share his experiences with the young filmmakers in addition to introducing Iran cinema.

Shirdel is going to participate in FIKE 2007 as a jury member in international competition.

This year, Evora Festival is going to hold a special competition in addition to international and national competitions and its subject is Taxi and Urban Mobility.

The international competition awards of FIKE 2007 are: the best fiction, best animation, best documentary, best European short film, super-short (up to 5 minutes running time) and audience award. 

The 6th edition of Evora International Short Film Festival is going to be held from 16th to 24th November 2007 in Portugal.

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