Nominations for the 2006 Grierson Awards Are Announced

Short Film News - The nomination for the Grierson 2006 - The British Documentary Awards has been agreed by the jury panel.


The winners will be announced at the Grierson Awards ceremony which will take place at the Royal Geographical Society, London on Friday, 17 November 2006.


The nominated films are:


Best documentary on a contemporary issue

Asylum (Peter Gordon), Gaza: The Fight for Israel (Monica Garnsey), Women on the Edge: The Truth About Styal Prison (Rachel Coughlan), A World Without Water (Brian Woods)


Best documentary on the arts

Imagine:  Andy Warhol Denied (Chris Rodley), The Photographer, His Wife, Her Lover (Paul Yule), Sinatra:  Dark Star (Christopher Olgiati), Take That For The Record (David Norman)


Best historical documentary

Elusive Peace - Israel and the Arabs (Mark Anderson and Norma Percy), How Vietnam Was Lost (Two Days In October) (Robert Kenner), Timewatch:  Pol Pot - Journey to the Killing Fields (Andrew Williams), Tory! Tory! Tory! (Don Jordan)


Best documentary on science or the natural world

Horizon:  Ghost in your Genes (Nigel Paterson), Life in the Undergrowth:  Invasion of the Land (Peter Bassett), Monkey Love (Brian Henry Martin), The Natural World:  The Queen of Trees (Victoria Stone and Mark Deeble)


Frontier post most entertaining documentary

Censored At The Seaside: The Saucy Postcards of Donald McGill (Steve Webb), Live 8: Programme One: Twenty Years Ago Today (Anna Davies), Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares:  Prog 3 - Momma Cherri's (Christine Hall), Taxidermy: Stuff The World (Morgan Matthews)


Best drama documentary

Elizabeth David -A Life in Recipes (James Kent), Fantabulosa (Andy De Emmony), Hiroshima (Paul Wilmshurst), The Year London Blew Up (Edmund Coulthard and Mark Hayhurst)


Best documentary series

49 Up (Michael Apted), Cult of the Suicide Bomber (David Batty and Kevin Toolis), My Life as a Child (Nicola Gibson and Dermot Caulfield), Russian Godfathers (Patrick Forbes)


UK film council best cinema documentary

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (Alex Gibney), The Road to Guantanamo (Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross), Storyville:  Darwin's  Nightmare (Hubert Sauper), Unknown White Male (Rupert Murray)


Bloomberg best newcomer award

Astrid Bussink for Angelmakers, Clare Richards for Disabled and Looking for Love, Vaughan Pilikian for Hammer and Flame, Nicki Stoker for Show Me the Money, Sadik Ahmed for Tanju Miah

The Grierson Trust will also present the Trustees' Award, which recognises an outstanding contribution to the art or craft of the Documentary.  The award will be presented to Mike Salisbury, producer of many landmark series for the BBC Natural History Unit, including Life of Mammals and Life in the Undergrowth.

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