Six Iranian Films in Viennale Festival

Short Film News - 6 Iranian short films and features are going to be shown in Viennale Festival.

This festival is going to be held from 13 - 15 October 2006 in which 5 features and 1 short film from Iran are going to be participated.

Nature in Two Views by Peyman Haghani is the only Iranian short film that will compete with 72 other short films.

The 5 Iranian features in this festival are: Gradually (Maziar Miri), Full or Empty (Aboulfazl Jalili), Man Push Cart (Ramin Bahrani), Half Moon (Bahman Ghobadi), and Winter (Rafie Pitts).

In the documentary part of this festival some works from the most famous filmmakers such as Michel Gondry, Alexander Sokurov, Nick Broomfield, Chantal Akerman, Jonathan Demme, Amos Gitai, and Kim Longinotto are going to be shown.

The retrospective part of Viennale will review the works of Agnes Varda, the Belgian filmmaker, and Jacques Demy, the French director.

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