Berlinale Talent Campus Calls Young Film Makers

Short Film News - The submission for the 5th Berlinale Talent Campus has been started.

This event happens paralleled to Berlin International Film Festival from 10 - 15 February 2007.

To participate in this program sending the online filled in application form and also a copy of their works till first November 2006 is necessary.

A sample of work could be 1 mini film of approximately 1 minute of length
or 5 pages of screenplay or 5 pages of artwork or 5 minutes of sound.

In addition to the directors, other professionals in cinema field have the chance to try for this program.

This year's focus of this program is on Home Affairs: Privacy, Films and Politics. The short films of maximum 5 minutes of length on the theme of "Home affairs" have the chance to be participated in this program as well.

This year, again, the professional filmmakers will transfer their experience and knowledge to the more than 500 young talents.

To get more information about the Berlinale Talent Campus #5 information and application please visit

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