4th Big Sky Documentary Film Festival Calls for Entries

Short Film News - The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival is seeking submissions for its fourth annual event.

The regular deadline for all submissions is September 1, 2006.  Entries will be accepted until October 20, 2006, but fees will increase after the September 1 regular deadline.

The competitive event is open to nonfiction films and videos of all genres, subject matter, lengths and production dates.

Awards and cash prizes will be given for Best Documentary Feature (over 50 minutes), Best Documentary Short (15-50 minutes), Best Mini-Doc (under 15 minutes) and best documentary about the American West (the "Big Sky Award").

The 4th Big Sky Documentary Film Festival will include more than 100 screenings during the week of February 15-21, 2007. In addition to 7-days of screenings there are public and VIP events including panel discussions, galas, receptions, and networking round tables.

The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival will be held in Missoula, Montana, USA.

Entry form is available for download at www.bigskyfilmfest.org/entries.html

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