HollyShorts Announces Lineup For 2nd Short Film Festival

The organizers of HollyShorts, Short Film Festival announced the line up of the short films that will be showcased at the 2nd annual event. Joseph's Cafe in Hollywood will host this year's opening night reception on August 11.

The short film screenings will take place August 12 and 13 at Cinespace: Digital Super Club and Lounge in Hollywood. 13 countries will be represented as 53 of the best and brightest short will be screened.

"We had a great turnout of submissions for this year's event and our panel of judges carefully selected the most creative, original and thought provoking short films from around the world," said Daniel Sol, Producer and Co-Founder of HollyShorts, Short Film Festival.

HollyShorts official opening film is Round 5 an action-packed short from Illegal Artists, a directing duo out of Mexico City, comprising of siblings Javier and Jorge Aguilera . Jorge and Javier have been confirmed to direct the live-action adaptation of the Japanese anime Kite for producers Rob Cohen and Anant Singh. The closing short for this year's festival is the Oscar nominated short film Ausreisser (The Runaway) Directed by Ulrike Gote of Germany.

[HollyShorts, Short Film Festival]

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