"Oberhausen on Tour" playing in 21 countries

Short Film News (SFN)- The sixth Oberhausen on Tour will be held in 49 venues in 21 countries.

The tour kicks off on 13 January 2012 in Wiesbaden's Caligari Filmbühne, with the last stop at the Lichtspiel Kinemathek in Berne on 14 June. Between these two dates, the seven short film programmes will travel from Munich to Hamburg, Santiago de Compostela to Istanbul, and from Johannesburg to San Luisi Potosi.
It will be mainly non-commercial repertory cinemas and arthouse theatres who are participating in "Oberhausen on Tour" - from Leipzig's Kinobar Prager Frühling (Prague Spring) through to the Teatro San Martín in Buenos Aires.

The other venues include Goethe Institutes as well as numerous arts and culture centres around the globe. "Oberhausen on Tour" will be making stops in 18 cities in Germany, and there will be a small focus in NRW with screenings in Bochum, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Cologne and Münster.
They will be joined by 19 cities in the rest of Europe and 12 worldwide. No less than ten of these are in South America which will thus represent a special focus for this edition of "Oberhausen on Tour". The Festival has had Spanish subtitled prints specially produced for the screenings in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico.
More information is available at :  www.kurzfilmtage.de

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