Berlinale Talent Campus to Focus on Storytelling

Short Film News (SFN) - The 7th Berlinale Talent Campus is going to run under the theme: "Suddenly, It All Happened - The turning point in close-up," announced the organizers.

The Campus which will be held Feb. 7-17 focuses on storytelling turning points as a driving force in filmmaking and illuminates every facet of the fascinating effect they can have.

Also, Matthijs Wouter Knol has been named program manager of Berlinale Talent Campus. He has worked as head of development for Dutch production company Pieter van Huystee Film since 2004.

Knol has also been working since 2007 for the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), spreading his activity between the co-production market and the IDFAcademy training program.

He will be responsible for the general direction of the Campus, in collaboration with Christine Trostrum, who has been part of the Campus management team since 2004.

Dorothee Wenner, the former manager of Campus will focus on filmmaking, but remains close to the Berlinale as a member of the selection committee for the Forum sidebar.

The application deadline for the Berlinale Talent Campus is October 8, 2008, and young filmmakers across the world are invited to apply online through the Campus website:

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