Yahoo! With Film Your Issue would launch

Short Film News(SFN)-Yahoo! Inc is joint to ''Film Your Issue'' as the exclusive online sponsor of the Issue Film Competition beginning Jan 17.
Young people in US and worldwide are invited to create 30 - 60 seconds short online videos about contemporary issues.
Animated and short features will be accepted and filmmakers should consider copy right in using music and the other artistic elements.
Volenteers can upload their works maximum 100 MB on avi , flv , mov , mp4 , mpg and wmw .
Entries will be posted on Yahoo! Jumpcut beginning Feb 1 , 2007. The submission deadline is April 15.
Winners will be invited as VIP member of Jury among Academy award winners Peter Jackson , John Cusack and Walter Cronkite , Brian Williams , Wolf Blitzer.
For more information you can visit:

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