Kevin Spacey to Host Mobile Short Film Festival

Short Film News (SFN) - Kevin Spacey will host the first MOFILM Mobile Short Film Festival which will run during GSMA's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Two-time Oscar-winning actor will present the prize for the best short film of 5 minutes or less in length that are submitted by film makers from around the world. He will also participate in a keynote interview at the congress on February 19, 2009.

"We are thrilled that Kevin Spacey, one of the world's most revered and respected actor/directors, will join us in Barcelona to share some refreshing and provocative perspectives on the potential of mobile entertainment and host the world's first global mobile film festival," said Michael O'Hara, chief marketing officer of the GSMA.

The festival has received entries from filmmakers in over 40 countries around the world to date, and has extended the deadline for film submission to Jan. 24.

The grand prize winner will receive a Cruze car from Chevrolet, a partner in the festival.

Filmmakers can register their works via festival website:

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