Film Annex Finances its Content Providers' Projects

Short Film News (SFN)- The online film distribution and web television network, Film Annex, is financing projects currently in development by its content providers.

The company has created over 50 free web televisions for content providers, including filmmakers, production companies, and festivals, and now Film Annex pays these content providers monthly revenues with the intent to finance their next projects.

Web TV owners can maximize their income by syndicating their Web TV players with their content and ads (pre-rolls) on other websites.

While these content providers receive 50% of the advertising revenues generated on their Web TVs, they earn another 33% upon syndication.

Publishers also benefit from this revenue share as they receive 33% of the revenues upon syndication. Publishers are also given the option to become financiers or executive producers on a project if they choose to donate a percentage of their share to the content provider.

Since August 2009, twenty content providers benefited from the Film Annex Network and its ad revenue share. The amount generated on each Web TV per month has approximately been 350-1000 dollars. Film Annex’s short-term goal is to raise this number to 5000.
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